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My Notebook

Wealth: Living well without possessing a lot. 07.05.2010

The 7014 definitions of happiness. 30.09.2009

Low Voltage Rock'n'Roll: The Music To The Hike. 01.09.2009


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Wealth: Living well without possessing a lot

Khénifra, Morocco, 07.05.2010

Wealth does not mean to possess more but to need less
That is what the German sociologist Meinhard Miegel writes. Life quality research shows that above a certain level an increase of income and consumption does not lead to a higher individual life satisfaction. A happy and fulfilled life is just not on sale - not even in the most trendy designer shop.  

I want your opinion
What do you think about this topic? What does wealth mean to you? Are our needs infinite or are we already drowning in superabundance? How much is enough? What does it mean to "need less"? Where are the limits? Do you have experiences, where voluntary simplicity turned into a real liberation coup?

--> I invite you to post your opinion here (see comment option on the left). I am looking forward curiously to your posts!

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