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Travelogues & Pictures

The Important Things. 15.10.2010

Astonishing.... 25.08.2010

The Beat Of A Different Drum. 21.06.2010

The Gate To The New World. 30.03.2010

The People Are The Way. 24.01.2010

Of Sinners and Saints, of Showmen and Ghost towns. 02.11.2009

The Courage To Turnaround. 20.07.2009

Moments Of Connectedness. 29.11.2008

The Wealth Of A Simple Life. 11.10.2008

Austria - The First Contact. 10.09.2008

The People Are The Way

Written in Las Palmas, am 24.01.2010

On the Way of St. James from León to Santiago and Finisterre, Spain

It is midnight and I cannot sleep. The air is warm and stuffy in the dormitory. A bit of fresh air will probably help me a bit and I sit down in the corridor downstairs. I turn some pages in my notebook. Somehow, I am excited. Only 23 kilometres left to Santiago, what a strange feeling! After the 40 kilometres walk today a heavy shower has driven me rapidly into the hostel of Santa Irene. The visitors list reveals that the girls from Quebec have been here yesterday; Audree, Maude and…

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Some Impressions